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This event is the third webinar in the series 'Transforming heritage: from 2D to 3D digitisation'. It is organised by EUreka3D, Photoconsortium, ICA and the Europeana Initiative.
With the Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign in full swing, and marking two years of the adoption of the European Commission Recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage, we are excited to launch the Twin it! label.
3D technologies offer opportunities to broaden access to culture, preserve our shared cultural heritage and spur creativity and innovation. In support of the Twin It! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, and as part of an ongoing series from the EuropeanaTech community, Siepke van Keulen tells us about the 5D Culture project.
This is the first event in the webinar series 'Transforming heritage: from 2D to 3D digitisation', organised by EUreka3D in collaboration with ICA International Council on Archives.
The common European data space for cultural heritage accelerates the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector and fosters the creation and reuse of content in the cultural and creative sectors. Explore what we have done during 2022 - 2023.