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Overview for '3d'
An example of a piece of a 3D design created with automatically reconstructed 3D models from audiovisual content fed through the V4Design pipeline.
The V4Design Horizon2020 project has integrated 3D cultural heritage objects into the daily workflow of creative designers, encouraging the reuse of digital cultural heritage in architecture, video game creation, and creative design. Explore what the project has achieved!
3D surface reconstruction of Beheenagh Bridge, Co. Kerry from the TII Collection with Octree depth 5,7 and 10
In this post, we look at the work carried out under the Europeana Common Culture project to investigate best practice for aggregating 3D content to Europeana and develop a functional application to support 3D aggregation.
Robert Davies
Created: 9 December 2020
Robert Davies
Georgia Evans
In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to our Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. This month, Robert Davies speaks about involvement in projects with Europeana and the importance of capacity building.
Screenshot of the Dashboard on the Share3D website
In this post, Kate Fernie and Dimitris Gavrilis tell us about Share3D, a Europeana Generic Services project which uses 3D as a driver to encourage people to explore and re-use cultural heritage content.
In an abridged post from the online journal EuropeanaTech Insight, we focus on some of the challenges the cultural heritage sector faces in the quest for interoperable 3D models, written by Ronald Haynes.