6 ways to get your culture fix on Europe Day
Europe Day marks the anniversary of the 'Schuman declaration' in 1950 which set out a vision for a new form of political cooperation - the basis of what we now know as the European Union.

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Europe Day is an opportunity to reflect on the aims, ambitions and achievements of the European Union. Of course, Europe Day in the European Year of Cultural Heritage is particularly special. Every Europe Day, EU institutions open their doors to the public and organise celebrations and activities. Europeana is delighted to be part of the event in Luxembourg today and to have been in Brussels at the weekend. There's also a Europeana element to events further afield today at the new Qatar National Library at which four big screens will be showing GIFs created as part of the GIF IT UP 2017 competition. And in Washington DC, a photobooth uses backdrops of artworks from each EU member country (via Europeana), so participants can become part of the art.
Here are six ways you can get your culture fix on Europe Day...
1. Immerse yourself in 10 days of opera
From 4-13 May 2018, opera houses all over Europe are opening their doors and putting on workshops, backstage tours and opportunities to meet the professionals.
2. Help to tell the story of Europe
Europeana Migration aims to show that the geographical moving of people makes culture richer. Throughout the European Year of Cultural Heritage, a series of events invite everyone to contribute their own stories.
Join us this week (10-11 May) in Hungary or on 25-26 May in Ireland, or add your story online.
Europeana Migration from Europeana on Vimeo.
3. Win a free travel pass to explore Europe this summer
Only if you're 18 years old though. The #DiscoverEU competition will provide 15,000 European travel passes to 18-year-olds for 1-30 days of travel in up to four different countries.
4. See the future at EuropeanaTech 2018
Book your ticket today and get out of the office next week for EuropeanaTech in Rotterdam. Share innovative progress and forecast the technical future of Europeana and digital cultural heritage. It's a fantastic opportunity to meet with, learn from and work with your peers. The impetus this will bring back to your day-to-day work could be invaluable.
5. Discover openly licensed cultural material
Creative Commons has just released its State of the Commons 2017 report. It revealed that 2017 was a transformative year for the organisation and that 1.4 billion works worldwide are now available under a Creative Commons licence. Dive into them at CC Search.
6. Find out this year's European Museum of the Year
The European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) is given to museums representing the best in terms of public quality, accessibility and innovation, a unique atmosphere, and an imaginative and creative approach to education and social responsibility. This year's will be announced shortly in Warsaw. Follow @museum_forum on Twitter.