Antoine Isaac
Antoine Isaac has been researching and implementing Semantic Web and Linked Data technology for making data work better in digital cultural heritage since his PhD studies at Paris-Sorbonne and the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel. He has not yet managed to cut ties with the Free University Amsterdam, where he served as a postdoc before moving to Europeana in 2009.
He has especially worked on the representation and interoperability of collections and their vocabularies. More recently he has begun to work with automatic translation and artificial intelligence at large. He also collaborations with peers from all over the place, including W3C, DCMI, IIIF and Linked Art. For example he has served in W3C efforts on SKOS, Library Linked Data, Data on the Web Best Practices, Data Exchange.
He has co-chaired the Technical Working Group of the RightsStatements.org initiative and the Discovery Technical Specification Group at the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF).