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Europeana's strategic documents - from business plans and annual reports, to white papers, frameworks and guides.
During the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Europeana held a meeting with high-level policymakers and experts in multilingualism to discuss the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism in digital cultural heritage. This report summarises the key outcomes of the meeting including the benefits, challenges and solutions identified.
During the Romanian Presidency, Europeana held a meeting with high-level policymakers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of preparing a common European approach for Members States to locally support the digital transformation of cultural heritage.
CLARIN, the European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology, has successfully integrated a selection of Europeana Collections material into their Virtual Language Observatory (VLO) portal.
Teacher with a globe from BL Royal 17 E III, f. 136v
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, translated by Jean Corbechon
During the 2018-2019 academic year, more than 2,000 teachers around Europe have been creating learning scenarios with digital cultural heritage and testing them with their students. In this brochure, we present some of the most relevant facts and figures reached by this community.
In collaboration with European Schoolnet, Europeana has produced a short publication for Ministries of Education and other stakeholders in the domain, which aim sis to introduce Europeana's activities and educational offer to promote the use of digital cultural heritage in learning environments. Download the publication and read the Executive summary.
On 17 May 2019 the approved Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was published. Member States have until the 7 June 2021 to implement the new rules into national law. In this explainer, Paul Keller, Independent Policy Advisor to Europeana Foundation breaks down the changes these new rules bring to Europe's Cultural Heritiage insitutions.
Do you want to use content from Europeana in your professional presentations, exhibitions, galleries, blogs, campaigns, social media or other activities? Here is what you need to know to do it respectfully and legally.
The Europeana Foundation Business Plan 2019, subtitled ‘Our common culture’, demonstrates how this year we will work with the Europeana Network Association, the Europeana Aggregators' Forum and a range of other partners to improve the quality of the Europeana Core Service, to find ways to extend that service and to innovate for the sector at large.
British School in The Netherlands migration stories
During the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, Europeana worked with cultural heritage institutions and citizens across Europe to share migration stories and objects on Europeana Migration. These stories are part of Europe’s rich and shared history of migration, and help to tell the story of Europe and the people who live here.