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Evidence of the transformative nature of digital is becoming increasingly prevalent, with the digitisation of cultural heritage allowing new ways for cultural objects to be shared and used. But how does this technological shift affect cultural heritage, its societal role and the ways in which cultural identity evolves?
September 2018
10:00 — 18:00
Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
We spoke to Ben White, the Head of Intellectual Property from the British Library, about some of the treasures (and challenges) he and the team of curators and project managers have uncovered in their efforts to bring some hundreds of thousands of objects onto digital platforms, and show you how to use them.
In 2009, the National and University Library of Slovenia became the national cultural heritage aggregator for Slovenia. In April 2018, two representatives - Matjaž Kragelj and Mitja Kovačič - visited the Europeana Foundation to discuss all things data. They tell us how their visit went. provides 12 rights statements that can be used to describe digital cultural heritage items and all of them have now been translated into German and Estonian