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Overview for 'Cultural Heritage Institutions'
English language interface of the Paris Musées collections online
In a major step towards greater open access in France, Paris Musées is releasing its digital collections into the public domain with a CC0 waiver. Europeana's Douglas McCarthy spoke with Philippe Rivière, Head of Communication and Digital at Paris Musées, to find out more.
This January we look at how the public domain contributes to the re-use of cultural heritage and explore different aspects of open acces. In this post, we begin by highlighting which of the more than ten million public domain works accessible through Europeana were viewed the most last year.
As part of Europeana’s Collection Day initiative, EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum in Dublin, Ireland, have now hosted their fifth collection day, the last of which was part of the Europe at Work season.
We talk to Senior Curator, Nathan Mannion, about EPIC’s latest Europe at Work Collection Day, 9-10 November 2019, reflecting on his collection day experience and recommendations.
TuEuropeana 2019 visual, reusing Jan Brueghel the Younger, Paradise with the Fall of Man, Mauritshuis, Holandia, public domain ;Fabryka papieru w Krapkowicach, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe; Grażyna Rutowska, Kontenery na śmieci pod blokiem przy ul. Baczyński
The TuEuropeana project recently ran a poster competition exploring the theme of environmental sustainability to encourage the creative reuse of material accessed through Europeana and Polish digital repositories. In this post, Małgorzata Szynkielewska, Europeana's Content and Exhibitions Coordinator, interviews Maria Drabczyk - Chief International Projects Expert at FINA and Europeana Network Association Members Councillor - about the competition, which Małgorzata was a jury member.
The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market entered into force in June 2019. It creates many new opportunities for the cultural heritage sector, and Europeana was part of the discussions to ensure that would be the case. The ball is now in the member states’ court: the Directive needs to be implemented by June 2021. We tell you about the road ahead and how Europeana can support you along the way.