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Overview for 'Cultural Heritage Institutions'
Rights labelling workshop at Lithuanian National Library
Together with the National Library of Lithuania, Jurga Gradauskaitė and Juozas Markauskas have developed an innovative project that uses teamwork, workshops, and a smartphone app to engage arts and music students to learn about applying rights statements to Lithuanian heritage.
On 17 May 2019 the approved Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was published. Member States have until the 7 June 2021 to implement the new rules into national law. In this explainer, Paul Keller, Independent Policy Advisor to Europeana Foundation breaks down the changes these new rules bring to Europe's Cultural Heritiage insitutions.
Startfältet i damernas skidtävling i Saltsjöbaden 1910. Damernas tävling, Djurgården IFK Djursholm
Adopted into the Europeana Network Association last August as one of its six specialist communities, Europeana Communicators now has over 100 members, and has recently welcomed a new steering group. Find out who's who, what we've been doing, and what's coming up! Maybe even join us!
We contribute towards the ongoing development of the Impact Playbook, advocate the benefits of impact assessment and support our members to develop and refine their practice.
Are you interested in the interesting and complex jobs in digital cultural heritage? So are we. So each month we are going to take a deep dive into the work of professionals in the sector. This time, we speak with newly elected Members Councillor Flavia Bruni on 16th-century books and national cataloguing.