Europeana Copyright Community expert meeting

- Title:
- Startfältet i damernas skidtävling i Saltsjöbaden 1910. Damernas tävling, Djurgården IFK Djursholm
- Date:
- 1910
- Institution:
- Stiftelsen Nordiska museet
- Country:
- Sweden
- Copyright:
- Public Domain
10:00 — 15:30
(CEST) Arenberg building
1000-1030 Arrival and coffee
1030-1230 Symposium on new EU Copyright Rules
Focusing on the newly adopted Copyright in the Digital Single Market directive. Together with representatives from the European Commission (Copyright Unit), the Federation of European Publishers and IFRRO, we will explore what the new copyright rules aimed at cultural heritage institutions will mean in practice and how cultural heritage institutions and rights holders can work together to ensure maximum benefit to Europe’s cultural heritage institutions and their users.
The session will provide an opportunity for an exchange of views with Commission officials involved in drafting the new rules and with representatives from rights holder organisations who will be an important partner for cultural heritage institutions working with the new rules. The main focus of the discussion will be articles 8-12 of the new directive that deal with access to out of commerce works and extended collective licensing.
1230 - 1330 Lunch (provided)
1330 - 1530 Copyright Community Meeting
Focused on developing which issues the Copyright Community will focus their efforts on in 2019, and what their ambition and role is beyond this. Further, the governance of the community will be discussed, and a provisional plan for developing the community Steering Group.
This session will be facilitated through a series of exercises that enable group discussion around common issues, and the identification of the role of the community in helping address them. The output of the session will be a work plan for 2019 describing the issues the copyright community seek to address, with clear actions assigned.
Please note: We have limited space available
The Europeana Network Association can reimburse 6-10 members of the copyright community to attend this meeting, depending on costs, according to the ENA reimbursements rules. Members who are able to self, or partially fund the attendance of this meeting are very welcome and this would be very much appreciated by the Network Association. Requests for reimbursement will be granted on first come first serve basis until the budget allocated is used.