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Posted on Wednesday August 24, 2022

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

Is the heritage sector sustainable for young professionals?

This webinar, organised by HeritaGeeks, aims to provide an open platform for discussion and concrete tools to empower young people and help them navigate challenges and inequalities within the cultural heritage sector.

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Florin Pantilimon CC BY-NC-ND
2 September 2022
19:00 — 20:30 Online

It advocates accessibility for young professionals of all backgrounds and levels of activity as key to reinforce the potential of heritage for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in the UN Agenda for 2030. The SDGs approached in this session will be Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16).

The event’s agenda includes two pitching sessions from two HeritaGeeks members, five presentations made by young heritage professionals from different geographical areas, an open discussion of the subject matter and a space for the co-design of recommendations, with the main input coming from the participants.


  • Elena-Maria Cautiș (PhD student in Environmental sustainability and wellbeing)
  • Inês de Carvalho Costa (PhD student in Heritage Studies)
  • Luiza Lemos Silva Gomes (Freelancer)
  • Sajjad Sharifi (Urban planner)
  • Dennis Mitschke (Research assistant & freelancer)
  • Daniel Anyim (Research assistant & GIS coordinator)
  • Sorina Neacșu (Cultural manager)

Register directly here
