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Young adults are interested in the topic of democracy - but how do they feel about it and what is important to them? This webinar is organised by Anne Frank House and will take place in English.
Young adults are interested in the topic of democracy - but how do they feel about it and what is important to them? This webinar is organised by Anne Frank House and will take place in Dutch.
Untitled [schoolgirls in a line] from the series On a Good Day
Sprache ist immer auch Ausdruck einer Haltung und daher Gegenstand gesellschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Aktuelle Debatten um eine gendergerechte und inklusive Sprache sind längst bei den Kulturinstitutionen angekommen. Historische Sammlungsbeschreibungen und Katalogeinträge sind oftmals diskriminierend, besonders aus der Sicht betroffener Minderheiten.
Europeana will present a unique hackathon challenge at this year's Immersive Tech Week Hackathon (organised by Hogeschool Rotterdam), engaging students with digital cultural heritage and encouraging reuse of 3D digital heritage assets in Virtual Reality!