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Do you work with digital cultural heritage, or share data with Europeana? Then seize your chance to explore the process for publishing data on, discover helpful tools and hear from expert speakers at the EAF outreach event on 23 November! The EAF Steering Group tells you why they are excited about attending - and why you should be too.
DCMI - In Copyright
November 2023
09:00 — 18:00
Daegu, South Korea
This event, the twenty-first International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, is organised by Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea.
Cathedral, Pamplona. Crusade: Detailed view
Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology
In addition to the programme of the Spanish Presidency Europeana conference, onsite participants are able to attend two additional workshops on 3D in Pamplona. Explore Workshop 2 - in Spanish and English.
Cathedral, Pamplona. Crusade: Detailed view
Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology
In addition to the programme of the Spanish Presidency Europeana conference, onsite participants are able to attend two additional workshops on 3D in Pamplona. Explore Workshop 1 - in Spanish and English.
This one-day research symposium reflects on novel developments and challenges in the field of cultural heritage information. It is organised by InTaVia.
Do you work with digital heritage collections? Do you want to learn more about data sharing? Are you interested in the common European data space for cultural heritage? Then look no further than the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum outreach event! Discover five reasons why you should join on 15 June.