The HERITALISE project (Heritage buildings and objects' digitisation & visualisation within the cloud) aims to research and develop advanced digitisation techniques and solutions for documenting and representing visible and non-visible features of cultural heritage assets.
Using AI-powered tools for optimised data post-processing and integration, HERITALISE will transform raw data into valuable insights, connecting everything in a knowledge graph for easy exploration. Much like Wikipedia, users can follow links to learn more about a particular object, what research has been done, and what results have been derived from it.
HERITALISE will ensure integration with the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) by providing a scalable, web-based platform for European cultural heritage institutions to share, access, and build on enriched digital resources for preservation and research.
The project has the following general objectives:
GO1: State-of-the-art review of current digitisation standards and methodologies defining the data requirements for CH tangible and intangible objects
GO2: Improvement of 3D/2D Data acquisition methods and technologies
GO3: Adoption of data post-processing methods and technologies, including new AI-powered digitisation methods, and development of data fusion techniques to mix various multimodal digitisation approaches (multisensory, multiscale, multispectral, external and internal)
GO4: Development of methodologies and solutions as Hardware (HW) and/or Software (SW) services
GO5: Development of ECCCH-compliant open interoperability components enabling connecting and sharing data and modular services in a distributed web-based architecture
GO6: Increasing the Impact of current and developing digitisation technologies
More information about the project is available on the project website.
The project is funded under the HORIZON Europe programme of the European Union.