The chatbot is a software box designed to react to digital conversations with users. By using an intuitive natural-language code, the chatbot analyses and extracts relevant data from the conversations with the users. The chatbot can understand messages, determine what the user wants and name entities (places, people, historical periods) to deliver a customised search for that user in particular. The chatbot can also develop custom actions to interact with existing APIs and pull data from sources.
As this tool is a standalone product, it can be replicated and tailored for the needs of different cultural institutions across Europe. The project piloted the chatbot tool in three cultural heritage institutions: Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN), Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam (JHM), Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (CulturaItalia).
Europeana Foundation also decided to try out the chatbot in Europeana Pro, and now content providers have a virtual assistant to help them with the selection of aggregators.
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This project was a Europeana Generic Service project, and it was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union.