Audiovisual Media in Europeana
The Task Force proposed a set of necessary improvements to the accessibility and usability of heritage av collections as well as index the standards and solutions that can be applied more broadly to improve the experience of audiovisual sources on and through Europeana.
The Task Force formulated recommendations regarding ’audiovisual content in Europeana’ in three specific areas:
1. Improving the use improving search on time-based media (including an assessment of audiovisual media standards in relation to EDM), Multimedia hyperlinking (incl. definition of a pilot / exhibition), Crowdsourcing
2. Accessibility Support of subtitles and multilinguality emerging media formats (playout on mobile devices)
3. Editorial How to embed audiovisual content in Europeana Collections and other Europeana-related sites reusing AV materials assessment of multimedia content (topics) editorial use of AV content externally (length, edit)