Unlocking Sources - much more than a conference

Register now for 'Unlocking Sources - the First World War Online and Europeana' - a great event for anyone interested in the First World War. The event takes place on 30-31 January at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany.
As well as a two-day international conference, the event also includes: the launch of the new-look Europeana 1914-1918 website along with an educational site and a virtual exhibition; two family history roadshows - bring your family's memorabilia to be digitised and added to the pan-European WWI online archive; and an exhibition showing how a cultural institution goes about digitising its collections.
The new version of the Europeana 1914-1918 website brings the public's previously untold stories of the First World War together with official histories from national libraries and film footage of the era. It also incorporates collections from outside Europe - search the Digitial Public Library of America, Australia's Trove and Digital New Zealand. Discover the First World War from all angles and all perspectives.
The conference itself focuses on how the digitised holdings of Europeana can be re-used, for example in research or in history lessons at school. How do digitised holdings fit into research and teaching and the transfer of knowledge in the classroom? What can different online activities contribute to the 'Digital Humanities'? Which ideas can be developed regarding the mediation of history in museums and which media can be developed for this purpose? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the existing and the newly created online offerings?
The exhibition 'Unlocking Sources: Europeana 1914-1918 – The Making Of' runs from 30 January to 8 February 2014 and presents outstanding holdings from the Staatsbibliothek's own collections related to the First World War. The interactive exhibition illustrates the many ways in which a library collection can be used and combined with other internet offerings.
More information and or register now