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2 minutes to read
Posted on Tuesday January 24, 2023
Former Business Development Coordinator, Education
, Europeana Foundation
Register now for the upgraded ‘Digital Education with Cultural Heritage’ 2023 MOOC
This year, our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be offered in English and Romanian. It has upgraded content and more resources for integrating audiovisual materials (AV) into learning practices. And for the first time, the course offers ready-to-use resources for post-secondary educators. Find out what the course covers, why you should join and how to sign up.
Digital education with cultural heritage promotional graphic
In the last four years, the Europeana Foundation and European Schoolnet, in close collaboration with the Europeana Educators Ambassadors, have run the Europeana Education MOOC 12 times (three in English and nine in other European languages). The MOOCs have trained more than 6,000 teachers with a potential impact on more than 72,000 students. The majority of participants (90+%) said they were ‘satisfied or very satisfied’ with the course and felt more confident to use digital cultural heritage in their classrooms as a result. Do you want to know why? Keep reading and watch this video.
What’s in the course?
The Digital Education with Cultural Heritage MOOC teaches you about the educational potential of digital cultural heritage and prepares you to implement it using digital technologies and innovative pedagogies, like CLIL or Project Based Learning. The course introduces the learning scenario methodology, shows you how to use it and how to build your own scenarios.
You will also learn how to navigate Europeana’s digitised collection to find primary sources in multiple formats (such as pictures, videos, texts, 3D) and in different languages, and discover ready-to-use materials from the Teaching with Europeana blog. The course also explains how to use tools like Transcribathon and Historiana in history and citizenship lessons.
This year, the MOOC includes upgraded and updated content. With a focus on promoting more interactive use of audiovisual content in education through crowdsourcing platforms like Subtitle-a-thon and Subbit, it also explores how to integrate the Europeana APIs in learning projects and shares practical examples from the recent Low-Code Fest. Finally, some new materials for post-secondary teaching are included, extending the outreach of this course to higher education, being particularly useful in teacher training.
How does the course work?
The course is organised around the principle of peer learning, with course content designed to stimulate reflection and discussion so that participants can learn from each other’s experiences and ideas. Participants will enjoy two live events with peers and experts and engage in conversations with other colleagues in a dedicated Facebook group.
In order to complete the course, participants are required to submit a final course product and review their peers’ work.
Who should take the course?
The course aims to foster connections between educational and cultural heritage institutions like museums and libraries. So whether you are a teacher (of any subject or level), a non-formal educator, or someone with an interest in designing educational activities using Europeana, we welcome your participation! Other educational professionals and stakeholders, like heads of schools, school support staff and policy makers in education and culture are welcome to join too.
When does the course run?
This course starts on 27 February 2023 and you can register now through the course page. The course will run for 6.5 weeks – with modules opening one by one each week, followed by a 1.5 week grace period. The course consists of five modules, with a peer-reviewed final activity developed and offered in English, and a workload of about 25 hours in total.
From 24 April onwards, the course will be run in Romanian. Register from mid-March - keep an eye out for more details.
Register now
The course is available on the European Schoolnet Academy. To take part, you need to create an account. Follow the link below!!
And if you would like to help us spread the word, please share this Pro News post, or use the suggested social media messages you can find on the related Teach With Europeana blog post.