Nick Poole and Johan Oomen on the new Governance structure

You have been hearing about the new Europeana Governance structure. And now it is time to participate in governing Europeana as a Network member. Nominations are open now. What does this mean for you? We asked the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Network about these changes and how they affect the Network.

Q. Why the change in the Governance structure and how will it impact the Network members?
A. The Europeana Network is only as good as its members. And for each of the members to have a voice - a say in the way we realise our common goals - we need a more democratic way of functioning. I truly believe that the new Governance structure will make this possible.
When we released our Strategy 2020 a few months ago, we said that it isn’t about telling people what to do, it’s about giving expression and shape to our shared goals and then enabling us to make decisions at an individual and collective level that help us to achieve them.
As a member of the Network, come forward with support for your representatives or stand for election to the council. Collectively, you decide who will represent you on the Members’ Council. The more people you have representing you, the more influence you will have.
Support the Network in making a more democratic, accountable and effective Europeana.
Johan Oomen, Vice Chair of the Europeana Network

Q. So how do I as a Network member participate in these changes? And what exactly will my elected representative do?
A. As truly democratic body, the new Europeana Members’ Council will be decided by all of us. We, the members of the Network, each have a role in the new Governance structure. Once the nominees are announced, if there are more nominees than positions, you will be called upon to vote for the candidate who will best represent your interests Or do you believe that you can represent the interests of a large cross section of the Network? Come forward now as a candidate for the Members’ Council! I hereby announce my candidacy. Anybody in the Network can do the same by 28 October.
The elected councillors will be actively engaged in mobilising the Network, regularly communicating developments to the members that they represent, and voicing the opinions of the same.
Every Network member has one vote. Let’s make it count.