Help shape inspiring education: join us as we launch Europeana4Education!

We believe that Europeana’s content has value for all areas of education; from the formal to the informal, from primary education to lifelong learning. We made education our top priority reuse market in 2017, and today we are launching the Europeana4Education initiative to help us inspire learners and enrich educational resources with Europeana content. Building on our existing projects and partnerships in education, we created a dedicated education area on Europeana Pro. You can now explore our partnerships, browse case studies of educational applications, resources and platforms featuring Europeana content, and get practical help from our collection of useful resources. We also invite everyone who believes in the added value Europeana can bring to education to join the new Europeana4Education community.
Shaping innovative education
Our resources range from guides and presentations to content picks and policy documents. You can find two new resources that we developed specially on the occasion of the launch: a two page leaflet introduces Europeana4Education and highlights some great reuse cases; and the new ‘Guide to using Europeana in education’ explains the basic concepts you need to understand to start using our content in education; such as search tips, licences for educational use, the Europeana API and crediting Europeana content.
Read our new guide to using Europeana for education.
Our case studies focus on inspirational educational portals, digital resources and applications that use Europeana for learning. Examples include the platform Historiana, which provides sources on some of the most important themes for history educators; a Multi-Touch book and an iTunes U course featuring Europeana 1914-1918’s unique WW1 content; and ArtStories FACES, an app introducing great art in a fun and educational way to children aged 5-11.
Our existing governmental, commercial and noncommercial partners are profiled on our partnerships page on Europeana Pro. We rely on their industry expertise and direct connection to educational communities to raise awareness of Europeana’s educational potential and increase the use of Europeana’s content in education. As a result, we will continue to work with new and existing partners to increase educational access to our content, technology and funding.
Get involved: join the Europeana4Education community
From policy makers to educators, we welcome everyone who believes that digital cultural heritage can enrich educational experiences. We organise the community in three ways. Firstly, you can explore our vision for the Europeana4Education community on Europeana Pro. We also invite you to join the community on LinkedIn: this online group is open for anyone interested in discussing relevant topics and possible projects with like-minded peers, and we will encourage the sharing of best practice and case studies of Europeana content in education. Finally, engage with us on Twitter by using the #Europeana4Education hashtag to spread the word and encourage participation.
We’re also holding webinars on 29 March as part of Open Education Week 2017 - register if you want to find out more! We hope to see you there.