Guidelines for Europeana Generic Services proposals

At Europeana Foundation, we would very much like the Europeana Network to take advantage of funding for Europeana Generic Services that will develop new thematic collections on Europeana. We introduced the call here. To provide you guidance on writing a proposal, we have created a guideline that details the technical platform and explains what we think would be good content to include in a proposal. Of course, this does not replace the information provided by the European Commission. This information we provide as a service to make drafting your proposal easier. Please feel free to adapt this text to your needs.
This Generic Services call is a great opportunity for any consortium of cultural heritage institutions to develop a thematic collection on a shared and common topic. Remember that it is the Commission that will evaluate the proposals and will make the final decision on funding — so check their requirements carefully — the video and presentation from the information day is a useful source.
To avoid duplication of work, Europeana Foundation will coordinate two proposals under this call: I) Subject specific: literature, newspapers, manuscripts; and II) a thematic campaign on the relation of cultural heritage to migration and/or refugees. Please tell us if you would be interested in being a partner in these areas.
In addition to these guidelines, important documents to use for writing a Generic Services proposal are the following: Our policy for developing and operating new thematic collections; the product specification for thematic collections; the Europeana Licensing Framework and the Europeana Publishing Framework; and the implementation of the Europeana Impact Assessment Framework on Europeana 1914-1918.
Note that a European Commission funded project requires some administrative information as well. These are indicated in forms B and C of the proposal:
- A legal entity form for each partner in the project;
- financial declarations on exclusions;
- financial identification forms;
- financial and operational capacity of all participants;
- for non-EU-partners only: agreement of a member state representative and a partner in an EU-member state; and
- a declaration of compliance with EU-policy and law.
Additionally, each participant needs to have a member state contact point approve their participation. While a formality, this approval is very important for the acceptance of the proposal. Contact points are available on INEA’s website. Please ask for this approval as soon as possible, as each ministry has different procedures for this. The approval form is sent electronically via the TENtec-submission system (and is part of form A).
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional information or need assistance in writing a Generic Services proposal.