Europeana Tech Task Force Report: EDM – FRBRoo Application Profile

A EuropeanaTech Task Force has been working to reconcile library concepts with those found in the data model developed by Europeana. The outcome is presented in a new report - EDM – FRBRoo Application Profile Task Force.
This Task Force was established following the recommendations of one of the final deliverables (D3.4 - Final Technical & Logical Architecture and future work recommendations) from the Europeana Version 1 project. The library domain is familiar with the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) concepts of Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item, (WEMI) and their treatment as independent entities in the FRBR object-oriented model (FRBRoo). The Task Force has produced an application profile of FRBRoo showing how these entities can be represented in the Europeana Data Model (EDM).
The work of the Task Force was based on existing datasets which were mapped to FRBRoo and EDM. The report provides the principles behind the modelling and the mapping rules based on the data examples. The resulting application profile details the classes and properties that can be mapped directly and those that should be introduced as specialisations in EDM.

Example based on the work 'Hamlet' by Shakespeare (available in the report).
The report has been produced by the collaborative efforts of institutions who work with Europeana. Thanks go to the chairs, Stefan Gradmann (KU Leuven) and Martin Doerr (ICS-FORTH), and all the members of the Task Force for their contributions to the report.