Europeana Network Association welcomes its eight new Members Council representatives!
I’m happy to announce the results of the 2017 Europeana Network Association Members Council elections. We had 26 fantastic candidates who came forward in this year’s elections, and our Network Association members chose eight of them to fill open seats in our Members Council between 6 and 14 December.
- Title:
- Election de la reine du 15e arrondissement
- Institution:
- National Library of France
- Copyright:
- Public Domain
New representatives
We now have the results, and would like to introduce these new Members Council representatives:
Sara Di Giorgio, Peter Soemers, Kate Fernie, and Marco Streefkerk. The re-elected Councillors are Ellen Euler, Laura Carletti, Marco De Niet, and Stephan Bartholmei.
On Behalf of the Association’s Elections and Voting Committee, I would like to congratulate to all of them. It is our pleasure to see that the new Council represents a variety of interests and expertise, and creates a good balance of represented nationalities and sectors in the Network Association.
These newly elected Councillors will serve three-year term and will complement the rest of the 28 elected in 2016 who still have a year term to fulfil:
We will be introducing each of your new representatives via our ‘Meet the Members Council’ series of 2018, but feel free to get in touch with them personally.
Elections and voting process
The 2017 Elections campaign started on 21 September. Votes opened at the AGM event on 6 December and ran until 14 December, with conversation on social media under the #EuropeanaElects hashtag. Out of 1,440 members, who confirmed their membership by November 2017 and were eligible to vote, 634 participated in the elections. The #EuropeanaElects hashtag was used 28 times, reaching a total audience of 28,703 people. We recorded a 44.0% percent participation rate, which is higher than in 2016.
Together with choosing their new representatives, the Network members voted in favour of key Association documents such as the activity plan 2018, annual and financial report 2017, and provisional budget 2018. They’ve also approved the new Joint Europeana Aspiration and Network Association Approach, as well as modification of the Association Statutes.
Getting started
The Elections and Voting Committee will be looking into the participation level closely and provide its recommendations. The new Members Council is composed of 36 elected representatives who will start working together on 1 January 2018 and hold their first meeting in spring to draw up future priorities for the Association.
Thank you
We would like to to thank all the candidates who ran for this election, and hope to see you keep being active Network members and campaigning again in the future! We would also like to thank those Councilors who completed their term: Vladimir Alexiev, Emmanuelle Bermes, Reyes Carrasco Garrido, and Marcin Werla.
I’m grateful to my colleagues in the Elections and Voting Committee — Jef Malliet, Francesca di Donato, and Barbara Fischer — for their work to make this year’s elections process transparent and smooth. And finally, a big thank you goes to all the voters who not only choose their new representatives but also approved Association formal documents. We are very grateful for your valuable time!
Read the full and final results.