Europeana Labs Business Models Workshop
- Title:
- Pictures by Platoniq, under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
A couple of weeks ago, before the 2nd eCreative Challenges event in Barcelona, we had the chance to gather the different partners at Fabra i Coats, a big space where Platoniq has its city headquarters. We held an intense workshop in order to brainstorm and be inspired about sustainable business models for Europeana Labs.
Co-facilitated between Platoniq and Kennisland, the sessions began with strategic presentations from Europeana about the current development of the project, followed by recommendations and insights from partners like Aalto Media Lab. Later, stakeholders’ perspective on labs were discussed, including web development company, consultancy for financing the creative industries peacefulfish and a new social incubator in Barcelona, Impact Hub.
The second part of the workshop was dedicated to breaking-out into thematic groups. Each focussed on how to improve Europeana Labs’ value proposition to communities and developers, lab environments and incubators or investors. In the groups, participants discussed and identified several areas of improvement and exploration using the business model canvas approach, followed by a final sharing of results.
After reporting back for each group and deciding on key recommendations for Europeana Labs´ future development, results are now being processed. Some will soon be incorporated in order to take further steps in the development of Europeana Labs as a better service and tool for creatives. In this way, it will contribute to the way they can invigorate economy and common resources with innovative ideas and new businesses.