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2 minutes to read Posted on Tuesday June 4, 2024

Updated on Tuesday June 4, 2024

portrait of Georgia Manolopoulou

Georgia Manolopoulou

Museologist,Curator of Public Engagement , Ministry of Culture/Archaeological Museum Of Patras

Europeana Education Community calls on educators and cultural heritage professionals: vote in the European elections

The Europeana Education Community shares why the voice of cultural heritage professionals and educators is crucial in this European election, and encourages you to vote. Europe needs a ‘beating’ cultural heart to survive!

people voting in a polling station
people voting in the polling station
Saarinen, UA
Finnish Heritage Agency

Our joint forces

The Europeana Education Community is one of the Europeana Network Association’s seven specialist communities. We bring together professionals dealing with digital culture and learning in cultural heritage institutions, educational organisations, schools, NGOs, ministries, local government, and the private sector.

We want to encourage and empower our members to participate in the upcoming European elections. Culture and education are the living cells for strong and resilient societies. They encourage social innovation and contribute to growth, democracy and peace. Together with the innovative tools of digital transformation, they can promote mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among citizens and countries.

As cultural heritage professionals and educators, our role in shaping the future of Europe extends far beyond the preservation and sharing knowledge about our common heritage.

We are the guardians of our collective memory, the storytellers of our shared history, and the educators who inspire future generations. Cultural heritage is not just about preserving the past, it is a vital part of our present and future. It shapes our identities, influences our values, and unites us in our diversity.

In this European election, your voice and action are crucial in the democratic process, a powerful tool for shaping the future. Our community plays a critical role in this process by fostering a deeper understanding of our shared values and history, strengthening the foundations of democracy. Your engagement is crucial in ensuring that culture and education continues to be a powerful force for unity and progress in Europe.

Europe needs your cultural beating heart

In ancient Greece, the word ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek words ‘demos’ (people) and ‘kratos’ (power), which means ‘power of the people’. In ancient Greece, democracy was not just a political system but a philosophy of life that focused on the active participation of citizens in governance and decision-making for the common good.

Democracy is the power of the people. It begins with each of us, and as cultural heritage professionals and educators, our engagement is essential. We advocate for policies that protect and promote cultural heritage, ensure quality education and foster an inclusive society.

The European elections are much more than just a political action; they are a state of art to the power of collective action. As an engaged cultural professional and educator and EU Citizen, you have the unique privilege and responsibility to influence the European Union's democratic governance. Let this election be a testament to the power of cultural heritage and education in building a united, prosperous, and democratic Europe.

#Vote and #Shape the future of European Democracy

Now is the moment to place culture, together with education, at the heart of recovery and revival. Europe needs a beating cultural heart to survive!

In the Europeana Education Community, we encourage you to:

#Vote to uphold the values of the European Union: human rights, education, freedom, democracy, equality and our common European culture.

#Vote to influence all aspects of lives across the European Union, from supporting security, economy, culture, climate change and the fight against poverty.

#Vote to shape policies for culture and education, to share Europeana’s vision for a shared European culture.

#Embrace this opportunity, make your voice heard, and play your part in shaping the future of the European Union.

Find out more

Find out more about the European elections and how you can vote. You can also discover educational resources about democracy and democratic values in Europe through the Education Community’s blog a history of democracy in Europe: from Ancient Greece to the European Union.
