Europeana Creative's General Meeting and Progress

- Title:
- One of the slides from Kennisland about the importance of generating innovative re-uses of content based on specific curated and prepared assets of content.
Last week all the project partners of the Europeana Creative project met at the Austrian National Library in Vienna. In two intense days they shared, brainstormed and discussed around different areas which are currently under development. They are coordinated with the final goal to support and promote the re-use of cultural resources available via Europeana.
From the work in progress related to launching (very soon!) a first online version of the Europeana Labs, an online space for remixing and using cultural and scientific heritage for inspiration, innovation and sharing, to the necessary strategic and practical issues of access to digitised content with enough resolution and rights clearance for generating new applications and uses.
The meeting was an important milestone for several pilot apps and games under development. The progress and main issues were shared with the rest of the partners, which was an opportunity of gaining more feedback before they are tested and evaluated in different lab settings. Like the History Education tools, which will give access and new approaches to teachers and students for learning and discussing key moments. As well as persons in the history of Europe, or the two digital games under development that could be used by students of different ages in order to learn more about Natural History.
Another important area of the project shared at the meeting in different sessions, and this way more agreed and improved, is the forthcoming Challenges call for educational applications and tools, which will allow participants from the creative industries in this field to submit their idea for joining our co-creation community of app and software developers, entrepreneurs, designers, educators and collection curators. So stay tuned following us on Twitter and Facebook!
Here you can read another post about the meeting from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.
At the end of the different sessions, there was also room for another proof of concept of the Tourism pilot under development, where Europeana Creative team re-enacted the famous picture of the Congress of Vienna by Jean-Baptiste Isabey.