Europeana Creative Second All Staff Meeting

authors: Elisabeth Stricker
Brighton is an inspiring place to be! Last week all of the project partners from the Europeana Creative project met in lovely Brighton, UK for the Second All Staff Meeting. It was two days filled with fruitful discussions, hard work and celebration of what has been achieved thus far. The aim of this meeting was not only to focus on the final tasks and activities within the last six months of the project, but also to mobilise the remaining energy reserves and to motivate each other for the last stage of this adventurous journey.
Highly motivated: Platoniq’s Enric Senabre has the right attitude
Besides the Workpackage updates on the current state of affairs and future activities, lively discussions about the Content Re-Use Framework and about judging the potential winner(s) of the final Design Challenge took place. It was a pleasure to see the great performance of Europeana Labs, which had been established shortly after the first All Staff Meeting one year ago. The site already has 2,218 registered API keys, 18 blog posts and more than 111,000 pageviews in total! The soon to be published Content Re-Use Framework looked promising and all partners are eager to work with this tool in Europeana.
The Design Pilot was presented for the first time to a wider consortium audience. The interactive web application encouraged the Europeana Creative staff to pull out their mobile phones and try out the “Culture Cam”, a digital “live” similarity tool that uses a web camera to recognize a colour, a shape or a pattern and then match this with cultural heritage objects in Europeana. When you scan an object in front of your computer’s webcam, Culture Cam captures and analyses the given object and comes up with search results of similar colour, shape or pattern directly from the Europeana archive. Click here to try it yourself!
Of course the Europeana Creative consortium is required to prove how creative they are and used VanGoYourself to re-enact Johann Velten's Prison Scene. The next and last reunion of all partners will be at the final All Staff Meeting and the subsequent Final Conference.