It's oft been said that Back in Time,
One of the reasons that mankind survived,
Was our acute ability
To Gossip,
Fuelled by instincts of Flight or Fight,
Locating soils for harvest ripe,
Or to celebrate carnal desire
Nothing could stop it,
Advice from young to old,
Language forms new protocols,
To predict a calm before the storm,
Regardless of topic,
So Data formed in ancient minds,
Live-streamed in real-time,
Some unstructured,
Some destroyed by design,
We lost a lot of it,
Yet relevence provides civilisations cradle,
Some Gossip evolves into stories,
Some stories are upgraded to fables,
Through such organic intelligence,
Culture is enabled
Then, imaginary lines get drawn within the sand,
Where habits become rituals,
Rituals become laws,
Codes of practice interact with us,
For national applause,
Hierachies are born,
As to which stories are adored,
Acquired treasure holds the measure,
To sanction these platforms,
So museums became our servers,
our custodians of ideas,
Cataloguing & backing up expressions,
Curating the Culture that appeared,
But this planet is in constant motion
And we are beings of constant e-motion
Who will artistically upload brand new Histories,
Our future heritage built on such devotion.
So all praise is due to digital gossip,
That will forever redefine,
It's our shared communication
And how we shall survive.
The stories that tell, Mr Gee, 2022, CC BY 4.0.