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2 minutes to read Posted on Wednesday May 13, 2015

Updated on Friday February 7, 2025

Call for Ignite Talks and Posters at the Europeana Creative Culture Jam

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Share your inspiring ideas!

Call for Ignite Talks and Posters at the Europeana Creative Culture Jam

The final showcase event of Europeana Creative offers the perfect opportunity for all creatives to present their ideas, projects and prototypes: As part of the Europeana Creative Culture Jam, plenary “Ignite Talks” as well as exhibition space for posters including a fast-paced, plenary “Poster-Madness Session” will allow you to share your work with all conference participants.

The themes of the Ignite Talks and posters should be in-line with the themes of the conference:

  • creative re-use of cultural content

  • audiences and markets for digital heritage

  • the business of (digital) culture

  • co-creation

  • crowdfunding and Living Labs

  • copyright, technology and IPR

What are Ignite Talks?

Ignite Talks are short presentations given in rapid succession. Each presenter has three minutes to present exactly fifteen slides about the chosen topic.

These talks are intended to present the speaker’s work in a simple but exciting format and grab the audience’s attention. Therefore the ignite talk should make sure to go above and beyond the ordinary presentation. We are looking for a concentrated blast of inspiration! There will be plenty of time for in depth discussion during the exhibition.

How does the “Poster Madness" session work?

During our Poster Madness session, speakers have the opportunity to present their project before the entire conference audience in the style of an elevator pitch: Each poster is displayed on a screen for exactly one minute. The presenter then takes the challenge of quickly and simply explaining and promoting her/his work. After 60 seconds, a gong signals that the floor is to be given to the next presenter.

This fast-paced session is a great way to arouse interest and get the main idea across quickly. The posters will be given an exhibition space during the whole two days of the conference. The presenter then has the opportunity to offer conference participants more information about her/his work. For the conference participants this is a great opportunity to make contacts and exchange ideas with poster creators.

Submit your proposal!

If you want to present your work in one of the various fields at the event, the Ignite Talks and Posters sessions gives you the perfect opportunity to do so.

Simply hand in your proposal via our EasyChair page. Note: you will need to set up an EasyChair account, it’s easy to do so and free of charge!

Deadline for submitting your proposal is 11 June 2015.

You can register for Europeana Creative Culture Jam here, as well as read more about our programme.

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna at Europeana Creative Culture Jam!
