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Portrait of Zsófia Fellegi

Zsófia Fellegi

Researcher Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary, HU Academic Research

Zsófia Fellegi is a Ph.D. candidate at the Doctoral School of Literary Studies of Pázmány Péter Catholic University and the leading digital philology expert of the DigiPhil project of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest. (DigiPhil is a digital philology service in Hungary, the only platform where editions are published online and in print based on the TEI markup language transcription. The service includes a semantic database for Hungarian literary studies). She specialises in digital philology, genetic criticism and the semantic web. Her dissertation examines the history of the development of digital philology in Hungary, including the impact of recent IT innovations on philology, and the interactions between the semantic web and philology. She and her colleagues have given several international presentations on this topic, most notably at the Open Repositories 2023 conference on Publishing Digital Text Editions on the Semantic Web (with Gábor Palkó), at the DARIAH 2023 conference on Digital Philology and the Semantic Web (with Gábor Palkó and Kata Dobás). At the 2019 conference of the European Society for
Textual Scholarship, she gave a paper entitled: Imre Madách's The Tragedy of Man. Synoptic Digital Scholarly Edition.