Zachos Polyviou
During the last 12 years, I have held the position of Coordinator of Digitization projects at the Cultural Services of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture.
Under this position, I have been a member of Expert Committees on National and European levels. With the cooperation of National experts from Cyprus Cultural Heritage Institutions, we managed to coordinate and successfully implement a variety of projects in the field of Digital Cultural Heritage, which resulted in publishing an important aspect of Cyprus CulturalHeritage of Cyprus in Europeana.
I currently represent the Deputy Ministry of Culture in the National Committee for Digitization of Cyprus Cultural Heritage as a member of the group of experts in the creation of the Cyprus National Digital Repository for Cultural Heritage infrastructure and also a member of theExpert Group on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage.
I currently hold the position of Head of the Unit of Digital Culture and New Technologies at the newly established Deputy Ministry of Culture of Cyprus.
As part of my duties, I am in charge of the Cyprus National Aggregator, which has a very important role in promoting Cyprus' cultural heritage at a European level by enriching Europeana with digital content.