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25 years of IT experience, PhD, PMP; one of the founders of Sirma Group Holding, the largest Bulgarian IT group, and the parent company of Ontotext.
Experienced in ontology engineering, metadata standards, vocabularies and thesauri, RDF, RDFS, OWL2, RDF Shapes, SKOS, SPARQL, SHACL, LOD, mapping, R2RML, ETL, semantic web applications, project management, business analysis and requirements specifications.
Wide range of projects related to data integration, linked open data, cultural heritage, LOD management, taxonomies/thesauri, etc. He served on 5 Europeana task forces (including 2 on semantic enrichment), the Members Council and the Data Quality Committee. On the DBpedia Ontology and Data Quality committee. Contributed to the ontology definition of the ISO 25964 standard for thesauri management; on publishing important CH thesauri as LOD, Wikidata property definitions and authority dataset coreferencing. Consulting experience with complex ontologies such as CIDOC CRM, FIBO,; faithful semantic representation of humanities and CH data; CH aggregators.