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Portrait of Paul Keller

Paul Keller

Advisory Board member
Policy Open Future Foundation Netherlands, NL Cultural Heritage

Paul is the Policy Director at Open Future. He has almost 20 years of experience as a media activist, open policy advocate and systems architect to improve access to knowledge and culture. A political scientist by training, Paul has a deep understanding of the digital transformation’s political, social and legal implications. Prior to founding Open Future Paul has served for ten years as the co-director of Kennisland, an Amsterdam based think-tank working on issues related to the knowledge economy.

Paul is a research fellow at the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam and sits on the advisory boards of the Glushko & Samuelson Information Law and Policy Lab and the Europeana Foundation.

In 2009 Paul was one of the founding members of the COMMUNIA association for the Public Domain where he continues to serve as the President. Between 2015 and 2019 Paul has directed COMMUNIAs and Europeana’s advocacy efforts related the Copyright in the Digital Single Market directive. In these roles, he has been instrumental in significantly improving a number of the provisions contained in the directive, including the provisions dealing with the protection of the Public Domain, access to Out of Commerce Works and the controversial new rules for online platforms.

From 2009 - 2015 Paul was one of the architects of the Europeana Licensing Framework which enshrines Europeana’s commitment to the open data and has set standards for large scale digital cultural heritage aggregation projects. Paul is one of the authors of the Public Domain Manifesto and Europeana’s Public Domain Charter . Together with Alek Tarkowski and Sophie Bloemen of a Vision for a Shared Digital Europe , an alternative digital policy vision for Europe.

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