Marinos Ioannides
Director of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus, CY
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
Member of Education Community
Member of Communicators Community
Member of Impact Community
Member of Copyright Community
Dr. Marinos Ioannides is since the 1st of January 2013 the director of the Digital Heritage Research lab at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol. He received his MSc in CS from the University of Stuttgart, Germany in safety and security of Multitasking, -user Repository-systems. He continued at the same University for his PhD (Dr.-Ing) on the development of a 3D reconstruction engine of digitized objects, where he participated in several EU and national DFG research projects. Marinos Ioannides was involved as PI in several European projects in digital cultural heritage. For his pioneering work he has been awarded a range of awards as the IBM award (1993), the EU KIT award (1994), the Spanish Tartessos prize (2010) and in 2018 the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage and the EU Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage with 2.5 MEuro financial support. He was also the coordinator of the FP7 MSCA ITN-DCH project, the H2020 ViMM Virtual Multimodal Museum project, the coordinator of the EU Study VIGIE2020/654 on Quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage and of the ERASMUS+ GLAMers project.