Maria Ines Cordeiro
National Library of Portugal
Portugal, PT
Maria Ines Cordeiro is Director-General of the National Library of Portugal. She holds a PhD in Library and Information Studies from University College London and degrees in History and Librarianship from the universities of Lisbon and Coimbra. Her professional career includes several management positions at the National Library of Portugal and at the Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as Head of Library Information Systems and Innovation Projects. She served for many years in the UDC Consortium as advisor, editor-in-chief and chair, as well as in IFLA standing committees and working groups in the areas of classification and indexing, information technology, audiovisual and multimedia, ICADS and the UNIMARC Strategic Programme which she chaired from 2007-2017. Her research interests include knowledge organization and representation systems, information systems and library technologies.