Marco Neves
Marco Neves is currently a Computer Science Teacher at Agrupamento de Escolas da Batalha. Is an Educational Tech Advisor on (new) technologies applied in learning environments such as: AI, Robotics, VR/AR, IoT and how they facilitate the development of a skills framework in the context of the Digital Transformation. He gives keynotes on education technology and mainly about the impacts of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence in Education, Society and Economy, in the Portugal and abroad.
As an Educational Project Coordinator he supports Educational Institutions and teachers on implementing innovative educational projects. Marco is a teacher trainer in TechEd since 2002. Responsible for developing, coordinating and supporting CPD and educational partnerships with European countries related with technological innovation projects.
At the moment he is involved on the DSI-4 Projet as Europeana Ambassador for Portugal. Concerning AI and Education he is working with the Portuguese Ministry of Education coordinating, as the expert consultant, the MOOC AI and Education.
Marco holds a master degree on Informatics and Educational, his Master thesis was developed based on the impact of the European eTwinning project in Portuguese schools. He is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and a Member of Google Earth Outreach Trainer Network.