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Portrait of Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell

Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell

Museum Educator, Cultural Manager, and Participatory expert Cultural Inquiry Switzerland, CH

Founder and CEO of Cultural Inquiry. He is a professional with 23 years of experience in education, collective creativity, content co-creation, change-driven strategy, and vision, with a passion for the democratization of minoritized and unrepresented cultural voices and cultural heritage. He founded Children’s Boards in different Museums around the world. Community Weaver and Catalyzer of Disruptive Social and Cultural Projects. Author, futurist, and playful expert. His main work areas are children's participation in democratizing organizations, Ge-AI design thinking participation of indigenous people, elderly, and children (capacity building), care Museum's creation and implementation, new community-based fundraising formulas, and “Soft” organization skills acquisition and training. He is a member and advisor of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force and Climate Action Community Task Force Member in Europeana Foundation.

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