Gábor Palkó
Project Lead
National Laboratory for Digital Heritage, Hungary
Academic Research
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
Member of Education Community
Member of Impact Community
Member of Copyright Community
Gábor Palkó is a digital humanist and literary historian. His research interests include digital philology and cultural heritage, the semantic web, archival theory, Niklas Luhmann's media and art theory, and 20th-century Hungarian literary history. He is the director of the Digital Humanities Department of Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE.DH) and the National Laboratory of Digital Heritage (DH-LAB), editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Digital Humanities (Springer) and of DigiPhil.hu, a service that publishes digital scholarly editions and aggregates philological data for Europeana. He is a member of the subgroup of the Expert Group on the Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (E03800/1). He edited the volume "Born-Digital Archives" with Thorsten Ries, published by Springer in 2022 (978-3-031-19940-0). He co-authored the articles: WARChain: Consensus-based trust in web archives via proof-of-stake blockchain technology, Journal of Computer Security (2022/1/1) and Towards a computational history of modernism in European literary
history (https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.16290.1).
history (https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.16290.1).