David Mingorance
XR Creator & Phygital Innovation
The 'Macedonia' Studio
Spain, ES
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
Member of Communicators Community
Member of Impact Community
Member of Copyright Community
David Mingorance (1984, Granada-Madrid) XR Creative, Designer, Artist. He defines itself as an "early adopter" & experimenter, and he work in the intersection between Art + Design + Technology. Throughout his career, he works on different aspects related to creativity and artistic direction, including editorial design and direction, audiovisual creation, extended reality, product design and art direction. He is also a facilitator of communities and co-mentor in different work groups. Among his current main dedications, he is president of the AIDI Association (Association for Research, Design and Innovation) in Spain that promotes the participation and critical spirit of its diverse community through different formats and by creating multidisciplinary work groups in a liquid way. He is co-founder of CreaXR, a community of immersive realities creators and is co-founder of the Macedonia design study, a diverse network of independent professionals who come together in a modular way to develop and promote projects that generate positive impact on people.