Chris De Loof
Advisory Board member
Treasurer - Management Board
MC Term: January 2022 - December 2027
Chair General Assembly DARIAH ERIC
Belgian Science Policy Office
Belgium, BE
As Senior Policy Advisor at the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), Chris de Loof works on digital strategies for Scientific Research and Culture Heritage. Chris is a longtime promoter of open and FAIR data and open science. He has an interest for innovative, cross-cutting collaborations between cultural heritage professionals and researchers, mostly those in the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Chris is delegate to the Commission expert group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (CEDCHE). He is also the Chair of the General Assembly of DARIAH, the European Research Infrastructures for digital humanities and arts, and Belgian representative in the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS). In the past Chris has been involved in several successful EU funded projects, often in a managerial role. Chris studied Business Information Management at the KULeuven focusing on Information Technology, process- and data management.