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Posted on Monday July 19, 2021
Updated on Monday February 24, 2025
Explore the latest news from the common European data space for cultural heritage, Europeana Initiative and cultural heritage sector as we work towards digital transformation.
In this post, Kate Fernie and Dimitris Gavrilis tell us about Share3D, a Europeana Generic Services project which uses 3D as a driver to encourage people to explore and re-use cultural heritage content.
TuEuropeana 2019, Educational workshop ‘Nauczyciel XXI wieku i nowe technologie w edukacji’
In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to our Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. This month Maria Drabczyk, chief international projects expert at the National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute Poland, discusses encouraging engagement with collections, addressing ‘puzzles’ when sharing cultural heritage, and the importance of understanding impact.
In this post, our Collections Engagement team – who develop editorial and stories from the material published on Europeana – share their favourite aspects of the collections website, and the different ways that they work to encourage engagement with digital cultural heritage.
Europeana Strategy meeting “Migration and culture: how can our past educate our present”,
As the cultural heritage sector faces unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of its digital transformation is more relevant than ever. We are delighted to launch a special series of workshops addressing this topic and exploring capacity building for the cultural heritage sector - find out how you can get involved.
In an abridged post from the online journal EuropeanaTech Insight, we focus on some of the challenges the cultural heritage sector faces in the quest for interoperable 3D models, written by Ronald Haynes.
In this post, we share how we are working to improve the Europeana Newspapers collection and help our audiences explore key documents of European cultural heritage.
Theodora Gkeniou, Europeana ambassador and English language teacher in Greece, discusses how the new Europeana website supports teachers and educators to bring cultural heritage into their work.
We explore the INCEPTION project, which creates 3D models of buildings, monuments and sites, accompanied digitally by contextual technical and historical information.
On Europe Day 2020, Members of the European Heritage Alliance are proud to launch their - Cultural heritage: a powerful catalyst for the future of Europe.
Robert Schuman delivering his declaration in the Salon de l'Horloge in the French Foreign Ministry building at Quai d'Orsay in Paris on 9 May 1950. In copyright.
When a long-planned exhibition celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration could no longer take place in European cities, the European Parliament Archives worked with Europeana to bring the exhibition to life online – in 24 languages. We speak to Ludovic Delepine, Head of Archives at the European Parliament, about how it all came together.
Killian Downing, National Archives of Ireland, presents at Europeana AGM 2018
In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to our Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. This month Killian Downing discusses the importance of open access, his work with cultural heritage professionals in Ireland, and his involvement with Europeana communities.
View of the point cloud data collected at Staigue Stone Fort
In an abridged post from the online journal EuropeanaTech Insight, we explore how data from the 3D-ICONS project in Ireland has continued to be used even after the end of the project, by Anthony Corns and Robert Shaw from The Discovery Programme, Centre for Archaeology and Innovation in Ireland.