All the documentation you need about the Europeana Data Model (EDM).
General EDM factsheet and Presentation
The EDM Factsheet and an EDM presentation sum up the rationale and expected benefits of EDM.
EDM Primer
The EDM Primer is the 'story' of EDM and explains how the classes and properties may be used together to model data and support Europeana functionality.
Mapping guidelines
The EDM Mapping Guidelines give guidance for providers wanting to map their data to EDM. They contain definitions of the properties, information about the data types that can be used as values and the obligation level of each property. This documentation also has an example of original data, the same data converted to EDM and diagrams showing the distribution of the properties amongst the classes, as well as other EDM examples specific for content and metadata tiers. The full set of EDM classes and properties are being implemented incrementally, this documentation shows those that are currently available.
EDM roadmap
Find an overview of the short and long-term plans for the development of EDM in the EDM roadmap. It is regularly updated by the Europeana R&D team.
EDM objects templates
The EDM object templates wiki-listing shows which properties apply to which class and states the data types and obligation of the values. These templates should be regarded as a work in progress however and may be out of step with the Mapping Guidelines. Please refer to the Mapping Guidelines for the current set of classes and properties in use.
EDM definition
The EDM Definition is the formal specification of the classes and properties that could be used in Europeana. This document details all the classes and properties in EDM and therefore includes those that are not currently implemented. Please refer to the Mapping Guidelines for the current set of classes and properties in use.
EDM XML Schema and EDM validation in Oxygen
The XML Schema for the Europeana Data Model allows for automatic validation of EDM metadata. The EDM mapping rules are defined against the official release of the EDM XML Schema and the required Schematron rules (embedded in the schema). You can download the latest versions of the EDM Schema files directly from Github (NB: this is a working version and should be used with caution!). The EDM Validation document explains how to make use of the validation rules with the Oxygen XML editor.
For further information, please contact using 'EDM' as the email subject line.
EDM profiles and mappings
The EDM mappings, refinements and extensions gather work by Europeana and partners that adapts EDM to the needs of specific domains and applications or make systems that use EDM interoperable with other data models. Here you can check out all of the mappings, refinements and extensions and submit new ones.