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Overview for 'Creative industries'
Finland’s Ministry of Culture and Education State Secretary Tuomo Puumala
Making Europeana Collections more multilingual is a priority and so we were delighted to take part in an event on 24-25 October with the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and cultural heritage institutions on the topic of multilingualism. The two-day event at the Hanaholmen Culture Centre, Espoo, Finland, titled ‘Multilingualism in Digital Cultural Heritage - needs, expectations and ways forward’ was carried out under the umbrella of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which is currently being hosted by Finland.
How can cultural heritage institutions use chatbots to engage visitors, help them find content and answer common questions? The Culture Chatbot project has been exploring these questions, and in this post Pavel Kats from the Jewish Heritage Network, the organisation behind the project, explains the work they have done so far and how you can benefit from their expertise.
Earlier this week we provided the latest information for those attending Europeana 2019, but even if you don’t have a ticket we’ve ensured there are still ways you can follow the conference, connect with those attending and get involved in our interactive sessions.
With under two weeks to go, we are getting very excited to welcome over 300 cultural heritage professionals to The National Library of Portugal in Lisbon. If you’re a ticket holder, read on to make sure you make the most of one of the premier events in the cultural heritage calendar.
Locomotive 3D model from How can steam drive this MASSIVE locomotive?
How do you engage students with the abstract concepts taught in STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) classes? By using Europeana Collections to create inspirational teaching resources! In this post we hear from Teddy Tablante from the Youtube channel Branch Education, whose videos on steam engines won this year’s Europeana STEM Challenge.
If you missed out on tickets to Europeana 2019, don’t fear! We’ve got your back by introducing livestreaming of a Europeana event for the very first time. Read on to find out how you can keep up with Europeana 2019 from the comfort of your own home.