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Overview for 'Cultural Heritage Institutions'
TuEuropeana 2019 visual, reusing Jan Brueghel the Younger, Paradise with the Fall of Man, Mauritshuis, Holandia, public domain ;Fabryka papieru w Krapkowicach, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe; Grażyna Rutowska, Kontenery na śmieci pod blokiem przy ul. Baczyński
The TuEuropeana project recently ran a poster competition exploring the theme of environmental sustainability to encourage the creative reuse of material accessed through Europeana and Polish digital repositories. In this post, Małgorzata Szynkielewska, Europeana's Content and Exhibitions Coordinator, interviews Maria Drabczyk - Chief International Projects Expert at FINA and Europeana Network Association Members Councillor - about the competition, which Małgorzata was a jury member.
The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market entered into force in June 2019. It creates many new opportunities for the cultural heritage sector, and Europeana was part of the discussions to ensure that would be the case. The ball is now in the member states’ court: the Directive needs to be implemented by June 2021. We tell you about the road ahead and how Europeana can support you along the way.
Europeana has been a partner in the Time Machine project since its beginnings. Now, Europeana and Time Machine have signed a statement of collaboration to work together to explore opportunities to further their partnership, building upon existing synergies between the work and ambition of the two organisations.
2019 has been a year of changes for the Europeana Network Association (ENA), which continues to work to promote digital cultural heritage as a powerful agent in an ever-changing world. In this post, Marco de Niet, Chair of the Europeana Network Association (ENA), tells us about the highlights and main achievements of the ENA in 2019 and outlines some of the priorities for 2020.
This Task Force investigated the role and impact of artifical intelligence in the digital cultural heritage domain, especially with regards to collections analysis and improvement.