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Recent research by Kennisland identified that 62% of content published via Europeana have accurate rights statements, and that there are common issues that lead to the 38% that are inaccurate.
As part of our series dedicated to museums opening up their collections, Douglas McCarthy spoke to the Pinakotheken's Antje Lange about a landmark 2017 and her plans for this year
Front page of the calendar ‘Where the past meets the future’
In order to promote the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the EU Info Centre and EU Delegation to Serbia, in cooperation with Europeana, designed a 2018 calendar that features a small portion of the rich cultural heritage of Serbia and Europe, using Europeana Collections as the main source.
This Task Force aimed to create a Europeana community that can influence the position of cultural heritage in the debate around European identity and migration.
Let's take a look at the year ahead, and how we are developing the impact toolkit: Building on the work in 2017 and the first release of the impact playbook, we'll be moving into a new gear to deliver the impact playbook 1.0, supported by lots more case studies, research and of course an impact task force.