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Join the kick-off of the Europeana Research Community Cafés, where guest speaker Thomas Padilla (Center for Research Libraries, Chicago, USA) will encourage attendees to think about collections as data.
Chicken eggs, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Photo: Marc Jerusel,
This digital event is for and with interdisciplinary researchers and museum professionals. It is organised by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin as part of a project in collaboration with Europeana Research, within the Europeana Research Grants Programme.
Image obtained from video ‘Dig into historical Bulgarian newspapers’
This video - supported by the Europeana Research Community - explores tools created to improve the search within historical Bulgarian newspapers in the National Library Ivan Vazov.
Martyr Monument (Budapest) designed by Alfred Hajos (1949); still from video
This video - supported by the Europeana Research Community - presents the project ‘In search of the drowned’ and explains how it has used text and data mining to help give voice to the voiceless victims of the Holocaust.
We are delighted to announce the winners of the fifth Europeana Research Grants Programme call. Three projects on crowdsourcing and research received a grant and two projects for video tutorials for Higher Education were awarded a special prize. Read on to find out more.
Event banner for "Subtitle-a-thon Challenge Amsterdam".
Join us for the Europeana XX: Subtitle-a-thon challenge in Amsterdam and share with us your language and subtitling skills to Subtitle the Past, Translate for the Future.