Created: 16 April 2015
A while back we put out a call for researchers to work with the Europeana Newspaper corpus.
The call was hugely successful, demonstrating both the popularity of historic newspapers and the potential for exploiting that data in new ways.
Around 40 separate research projects got in touch and suggested different research questions and methodologies they would like to explore in greater depth.
Created: 15 April 2015
Moving from a portal to a platform: this is one of Europeana’ s major objectives for 2015-2020 in order to allow “people to re-use and play with the material, to interact with others and participate in creating something new”.
Created: 14 April 2015
The digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage has provided ample opportunity for researchers to accelerate or make substantial changes to their working processes.
The explosion of the digital approaches to this data means that researchers are increasingly asking for more than traditional interfaces to search and browse. Access to entire datasets for download for text and data mining, or access to APIs to build specific tools.
Created: 27 June 2013