Created: 12 November 2015
We are delighted to announce that the Europeana Research Advisory Board has now been established, and are very happy to have a wide ranging spectrum of digital humanities expertise included. The role of the board will be to develop and steer the work of Europeana Research
Created: 6 November 2015
The possibilities of mining Europeana's metadata have been cited by various researchers, and now that Europeana also has access to full text material (principally the Europeana Newspapers corpus), there has been various discussions about how best to take full scholarly advantage of this
Created: 5 November 2015
Often in the research community, the mention of Europeana draws mixed responses. "It's a good idea, but the depth of data is not suitable for research use." But Europeana is not just about its portal (currently being renamed Europeana Collections, by the way)