Created: 24 September 2015
Europeana Research spoke at the Research Data Alliance workshop on infrastructures for linguistics this week. A key, if obvious, conclusion was how useful open data is for research.
Created: 18 September 2015
On Monday, October 12th and Tuesday, October 13th 2015, Europeana Research invites key stakeholders (researchers / e-content experts / digital humanists) who have worked on the issues specifically related to use of digital content for research to discuss the following topics
Created: 16 September 2015
On Friday, September 18th 2015, Europeana Research organizes a Workshop on Tools, Services and Content Priorities in Audio and Vision at the Royal Library, Søren Kirkegaards Plads 1, Copenhagen. The Black Diamond.
Created: 11 September 2015
The University of Glasgow hosted the annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAAGlasgow2015) on September 2-5 2015, celebrating its 21st annual meeting in Scotland. With topics varying from Virtual Archaeology to Celtic Connections, this conference gathered around 2500 delegates from all over the world
Created: 4 September 2015
Through The European Library website, Digital Humanities researchers are now given access to 10 million European digitised newspaper pages. While the availability and accessibility of this rich material are a great addition to the researcher corpus, the large amount of data can make it hard to find the specifics a researcher is looking for.
Created: 6 August 2015
Vicky Garnett
Norman Rodger
One of the consistent messages that Europeana receives from the the research community is the need for high quality data, and of a sufficient depth to cater for different research questions within different research themes