Created: 30 November 2015
Over the last several years, there has been an increasing interest in large-scale, computational, quantitative investigations into European literary history. Scholars working on texts from many different European literary traditions are using tools and services from computational linguistics, adapting methods from computer science and statistics, and developing new tools and methods for their research.
Created: 24 November 2015
In November, 2015, the Europeana Cloud Network Project released a groundbreaking study developed by the Project’s Work Package responsible for assessing researchers’ needs for using digital content, tools and methods in the Cloud and ensuring community engagement (WP1).
Created: 16 November 2015
Libraries, of course, support scholarship. But in the twenty-first century, scholars might occasionally be able to return the favor. As scholars develop experience mining large datasets, there is a growing area of overlap between the things libraries need done (organizing collections, enriching metadata), and the tasks that count as research in other fields. This area of overlap holds opportunities for both sides.
Created: 16 November 2015
Text as data for research in social science and the humanities has been a hot issue in methodological debates for decades. Interest in large quantities of text started with investigations especially of propaganda in press coverage of hostile countries during the first half of the 20th century.
Created: 12 November 2015
We are delighted to announce that the Europeana Research Advisory Board has now been established, and are very happy to have a wide ranging spectrum of digital humanities expertise included. The role of the board will be to develop and steer the work of Europeana Research