Updated: 6 November 2023
British Library Sound Recordings. British Library Sounds presents 50,000 recordings and their associated documentation from the Library’s extensive collections of unique sound recordings from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound: music, drama and literature, oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds.
Created: 18 January 2016
As part of the work conducted in Work Package 1 of the project Europeana Cloud, we have realized that focusing on sub disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences can be significantly more efficient for understanding and documenting user needs and practices in specifically set contexts.
Created: 12 January 2016
Europeana has recently joined the Annotating All Knowledge coalition. This initiative especially recognizes the potential of annotations for scholarly activities, and aims to explore how interoperable annotations that follow open standards can be deployed as a meaningful, valuable layer on top of content
Created: 12 January 2016
Guest Blog Post by Eliane Fankhauser, Utrecht University,